At Cherry Orthodontics, our orthodontist, Dr. William Cherry, offers the latest in clear aligners technology. Plus, our clear aligners are comfortable and can be removed for eating and drinking. Furthermore, our invisible braces are specifically designed to fit your teeth and provide the best results. We are proud to be one of the leading providers of clear aligners in Bethlehem, PA, offering various options to fit your lifestyle and budget. Moreover, our clear aligners are designed to gradually move your teeth into the desired position, providing you with a beautiful, healthy smile in as little time as possible. Plus, if you have been searching for clear aligners near me, come to Cherry Orthodontics. Visit us today to learn more about our clear aligners and how they can benefit you! Schedule an appointment today.
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* Fine Print for Free Professional Grade Teeth Whitening Kit:
It amazes me that I have been an orthodontist for over 20 years. Perhaps when you are doing what you love, time really does fly. Plus, I can make a difference in other people’s lives because of the skills and abilities the Lord has given me. Furthermore, I am humbled and grateful every day to have the chance to provide medical care for my patients. Plus, I get to be a part of their lives, experience their highs and lows, and watch as they develop and change over the course of our time together. That is my main area of interest and why I enjoy what I do. I know in my heart that being your orthodontist is all about you and treating you like family.
I went to LaSalle University, where I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology Maxima cum Laude. Moreover, I participated in the theater group and the pre-med/pre-dental honor society at LaSalle, where I served as its president during my senior year. However, I attended Temple University Dental School after LaSalle and graduated in fourth place out of 147 students in my class with a doctorate in dental medicine. While I was a student at Temple, I received invitations to join the oral surgery, periodontal, and prosthetic honor societies and was elected to the OKU national dental honor society.
- Glenn Smith
- Taundra Starr
- Dave Jensen
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