Protect Your Child’s Teeth With A Mouthguard For Braces
Spring has sprung, and that means the start of a new sports season for many families! Ensure that your teeth and braces are protected with a mouthguard while enjoying your favorite sports and activities during the warm months. According to Colgate, the three most common types of teeth-related sports injuries are cracked teeth, fractured roots, […]
Can an HSA or FSA Help Pay for Braces?

Here at Cherry Orthodontics, we are often asked about financial issues and how families can make orthodontic treatment more affordable. As we wrap up 2021 and prepare to flip the calendar into another new year, we want to take a moment to look at two powerful tools for paying for orthodontic treatment: Health Savings Accounts […]
Help Your Child Enjoy Braces This Summer!

Even with braces your child can still have fun and make the best of their last month of summer. The beautiful season of summer can allow for a relaxing time, but they cannot forget about their oral routine and to continue taking care of their braces. Here are some tips to keep their smile on […]
Get a Perfect Smile with Braces or Invisalign

Enter for a Chance to Win! Cherry Orthodontics is thrilled to announce its first patient promotion of 2021! Both new and existing patients who start braces or Invisalign treatment with us between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 are eligible.* The lucky winner will receive a $500 gift card to Target with the opportunity […]
What is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Braces?

Most parents think that early adolescence is the best age for your child to get braces. But even if 10-14 is the most popular time for kids to begin their treatment, it may not be right for your child. Orthodontic treatment is a flexible approach that can straighten teeth and help create a beautiful smile […]